The Adventures of Iyin

Ministering Spirits

We handed over to the Children. They prayed and brought men to Christ. But it still wasn’t over.

The two teachers weren’t done with us. They stared at us horribly.

It was here God showed a vision. In the vision, God showed me what the original plan was for the children.

Children would be exposed to sorcery and divination first. If that was stopped, the next thing would be lust, both of the eyes and of the flesh.

Fiyin and I sat under the tree, waiting for the boys to return with our foods. It was time to break the Wednesday joint fast. Everyone sat in groups and had their volunteers get the meals.

As always, the four of us always ended up together. It was as though we were the remnant from the groups and so we formed a group.

Tobi and Tayo returned in five minutes. We were about to pray when I heard a loud cry of pain. Tayo, Tobi and Fiyin looked at me. Apparently, the four of us heard the cry. It was continuous. The voice of a mother weeping for her children. We looked around and didn’t see anyone in our line of sight. The other groups didn’t hear anything. There were no buildings in sight. Who was crying so loudly?

Tobi switched saying “It’s Rachel. She’s weeping for her children”. Herod’s Spirit is in this village. He won’t let any Child live until he has Iyin. Rachel is weeping for her children.”

Did this mean we had to hide like Christ was hidden? What would befall the children? After all, God’s response to Rachel was to refrain from weeping. She was assured of her children’s return and prosperity.

This message brought worry to my heart but God comforted me through the meal prayers.

It was lights out at 10pm. The boys were in their hostel while Fiyin and I stayed at Captain Abiodun Hostel. I honestly couldn’t sleep.

Fiyin stayed by my side as we read through the Psalms. She shared that God was going to be visiting me tonight through ministers and that I shouldn’t be afraid or worried but to receive all with humility and love for God.

I kept on looking at the clock as I imagined what an encounter with an angel would be like. Was it going to be scary? How tall would he be? Would it be like those descriptions John gave? Ọlọrun Shanu mi.

11pm passed. 12 too. 1 too, 3 too. Se this minister will not come again. I had forgotten the tip Fiyin gave me. Do not be disturbed. Do not be worried.

It was at the minute I stopped thinking and stood up to ease myself I saw a great light. How did light stand alone in darkness? This being was literally light, no other features, just light. He said, I am not a minister. I am the source of the ministers. Jesus Christ.

I was quite far from this Light but I could hear His voice as though He was right by my side. Eiuu God, Have mercy was all I could mouth.

He drew me closer to His side without moving, Like a moth drawn to a flame. I’m definitely that moth. My legs were elevated to His feet. This means He wasn’t standing on the ground. But it looked as though we were on a ground. At an instant, I found us outside the hostel. He took me to a mountain top. There we sat as He opened my Bible and handed it over to me.

I wondered how and why the Bible was here. It was in my box, the last time I checked.

As though he heard every thought, He said, Study it. Read, Read, Read. He picked clay from the side of the mountain. He then said it was too dry to be an anointing. He asked me if I understood. I shook my head and all he did was smile.

He called out water from the rock we sat upon. Water gushed out and he mixed the clay with some water.

Next, he anointed my eyes with them.

He then rinsed my face with the water that gushed out. Now he said, ” Read. “.

I kid you not when I say that My eyes were opened. I could see beyond the written words on the sheet of Genesis 3. There were so many footnotes under each verse. I looked at Him and looked at the Bible. I wondered if it was still the same Bible. It was. Something was wrong right. It wasn’t the Bible, It was me. Jesus opened my eyes. He is the source of Ministering Spirits.

He then began to teach me about Adam’s love and fall. He took me to His own days on earth and opened my eyes to see all that He suffered just to get men reconciled back to God. The number of days he went without food just to get us back to the Garden of True Pleasure, Eden. It was here I realized that it really wasn’t by works but by grace. Years of pleading for restoration was what he underwent till He finally ascended and the intercession still hasn’t ended. All of these knowledge and many more was poured out on me but more importantly, my identity in Christ was proven.

Jesus reminded me that He knew me before I was born and that He had called me. He showed me some snippets of my life. He then took me to my first altar call and all the others I had attended to rededicate myself. What could a 10 year old broken child do in church?

He asked me if I understood what it really meant to heed the call. It was to literally drop dead and take up Jesus’ life and live as He is. I can’t even explain it well. But Colossians 3 does justice to it.

He asked me if I was ready to allow Him manifest through me and I agreed but I wondered if Fiyin, Tayo and Tobi could also see Him the way I could.

He told me that they were also receiving encounters at the time.

The last question He asked me before Kehinde tapped me was “Are you ready?”

By the time I saw my friends, they confirmed meeting Jesus that same night. How did three hours feel like three days?

I saw water by my bedside too but I saw three other things, my Bible, A pen and A journal.

Since that day, visitations from Christ was unending. The Holy Spirit would whisper in my ears that Jesus wanted a walk and I would jump at the offer. No day passed without a visitation.

Verse 4 became our song.

God has so many extensions of Himself and one of them is the Ministering Spirit(s). They’re not in extinction. They’re more active than you can imagine and one of God’s ways of speedily training His children. I pray that we’ll not just encounter them but we’ll also be able to discern their presence, stay calm and welcome them.

Note: whatever God starts, the devil tries to hijack. Ministering Spirits are not angels or demons but an extension of God’s presence.

The Adventure of Iyin

This is a story inspired by the Holy Spirit, fictional for parents and children alike.

I ran as fast as I could but it appeared as though I wasn’t. The wind lifted my legs as I ran and increased my speed. I covered so much distance and by the time I stopped, I couldn’t see anyone around me.

It appeared as though, I was free from those angry men but I was lost too.

Pardon me, darling. A lost person keeps on talking if you understand me.

I’m Iyin and the Holy Spirit has been giving me some roller coaster experiences of late. This last one took me to a land I know nothing about.

Three weeks ago, my campus fellowship organized an evangelical outreach and I got the nudge to go.

My friends, Tobi, Fiyin and Tayo were so excited. I was scared. I just knew this village had its perks.

If God sent us though, then there was nothing to be scared of, right?

A week after, we arrived at Ìpólé Àgbàdo. This village was quite exposed to civilization. It had a church, more like a cathedral, Community Primary School and a basic health centre amongst other grassroot facilities. The church was the only public place of interest to us though as there was also a shrine area that had been deserted by many.

As we walked round the village after visiting the Baálé, we spotted an area where two middle aged women taught the children.

I was drawn to them and quickly walked to greet them but as I drew nearer, I noticed something really strange.

What they were taught to do was more like sorcery. The children were taught to engage in the metaphysical realm, speak in tongues and even go in trance.

If these women were declared pagans, it would have made the event more understandable. They were Christians.

They attended the only church in the village, a C&S church and were part of the prophetic unit.

It was here I understood what they were doing to the children. Children are naive and always amazed by the giftings of the spirit so teaching them to be active users of these gift would be an easy way to get more children into the church. But the mannerisms of their teachings and what was taught had nothing to do with the Spirit. It was pure black magic.

The devil had hijacked their idea and deceived both parents, teachers and even the children.

“This must be hurting God”, I thought.

While I was thinking, Tobi, Fiyin and Tayo had caught up with me. They greeted those women.

They stared at me. They obviously could see and feel God’s hurt.

We held hands and immediately asked to watch the kids so they could rest. This was evening and those women were definitely thirsty for a break.

Immediately they left, we swung into action.

We prayed together first and asked for instructions on how to make use of the two hours given us.

God responded almost immediately we opened our mouths to pray.

We were overwhelmed by how strategic God was and started to do as He said.

Tobi, Fiyin, Tayo and I took to our positions and prayed with the children. We then started to…

To be continued next Monday .

The Struggles of an Average Christian (Loss of Hunger)

Hi and welcome to The Chronicles.

On today’s episode of The Chronicles, we’ll be doing a study somewhat.

Not every Christian might have experienced this but most do. It’s the loss of hunger or love for God.

It appears to happen really quickly but in honesty, it’s a slow process.

It happens when we start to reduce our time in God’s presence. Slowly, we grow complacent and become totally cold.

For some of us, the fire burns, going up sometimes, going down sometimes.

I had thought about how this could change. Was there anything that could be done to change it?

Well, nothing done could change it. I mean trying to change it wouldn’t do any help. It would always be futile.

So yesterday, God showed me something and I thought to share it.

Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in mount Mori´ah, where the Lord appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jeb´usite.

2 Chronicles 3: 1

As I stared at this verse, I wondered why there was emphasis on Mount Moriah. Upon checking the footnote, I was directed to Gen 22:2.

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Mori´ah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

Gen 22:2

Apparently Moriah is mentioned only twice in the Bible and reminds me of Unilag’s Iya Moria canteen.

It was exactly the site of Abraham’s sacrifice to God, the Jehovah-Jireh spot. By now, I had so many questions.

This same Mount Moriah was the popular Golgotha of Jesus’ Death.

By now, I knew, Moriah wasn’t just a place.

I had to go back to Abraham’s Jireh Experience, I was led to see that Isaac asked Abraham for a lamb. Abraham, in turn said God would provide.

Now, what God provided was a ram in a thicket.

A male sheep(ram) in a thicket

Ram, not lamb. Why a ram?

Watch your steps now, God says. A ram and a lamb are the same. A lamb grows into a ram.

A ram is a lamb with horns(literally).

Looking at the picture above, I saw a sacrificial lamb with horns(authority and power). Pure but appeared in this world of sin, used as a sacrifice, not just in place of Isaac but myself too.

Jesus Christ was the sacrifice presented to Abraham in place of Isaac. Even Jesus confirmed it in John 8:26.

Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

John 8:56

Abraham rejoiced after seeing the replacement for His son. But I want to believe God shed a tear at that moment. God sent Jesus to die for not just Isaac but you and I.

The Jehovah Jireh Experience wasn’t just to show that God was our provision. It was a parable to show what was to come.

God is not wicked and he wouldn’t kill our children rather He’d sacrifice His own for us to be saved.

This is why God was greatly angered when the Israelites sacrificed their children to Molech. It hurt God so much.

This is also why God asks parents to train their children in His ways, holding onto them as a solider would hold onto arrows.

When we let our children or children around us fall into the fire of this world(engage in worldly activities minimally or maximally), we’re sacrificing them to the god of this world.

Now back to our topic, to regain your hunger and passion, you must open yourself to see why God loves you, How he loves you and all the things he did years ago that proves His love for you.

I promise that you can’t take this step and not see results in how you see God.

I’ll be sharing passages that tell of God’s love. Please take the step of clicking them and you’ll experience His love anew.

God loves you and wants you to love Him always.


Holy Spirit through Onaopewapo.

The Struggles of an Average Christian (Expectations)

Dear reader,

One thing God has been walking on in me is having high hopes, not faith oo, expectations.

Over the years, I had come to love people and slowly expect certain character traits to show forth but often, I had been let down. It was almost as soon as I started to have these expectations, the bubble burst. But these people didn’t burst it because they’re wicked or hateful. It’s because they’re human.

God opened my eyes to see the effect of this pain on both parties.

  • The one disappointed would lose trust and
  • The one disappointing the other would slowly start to sow seeds of pride in their vineyard.

I’m pretty sure you’d easily understand the first person’s reaction but not the second. That’s because at some point in time, you were the second person disappointing someone (knowingly or unknowingly). At some point, you repeated the disappointing act on another person, turning disappointment serving into an habit. You started giving genuine and sometimes false excuses for letting someone down.

From your excuses came thoughts of anger to why they’d think of you that way to pride, it’s their mouth, let them say. No one should feel entitled to you but carry their cross. This same you is expecting favour, miracles and daily bread from God, money and honor from men. You should also stop expecting them, to be fair.

Now to the person who was let down, the Bible says

Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.

Philippians 4:6 AMP

Anxiety doesn’t just mean worrying. It is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.(Source: Google)

I think in probability, outcomes are called expectations.

That person you’re worrying over, have you prayed for them?

The bible further presses that in prayers and supplication, we present our request to God.

Honestly, if we know the power in presenting even the littlest request to God, we’ll make it a habit.

A couple will always share the littlest details about themselves with each other. Similarly, when you do that with God, He shares the littlest details about Himself with you. You can say for sure that the littlest details about God are what people scream “Ride on, pastor” when they hear from you. If you now hear the big details, you stop riding, you start soaring( The definition of waiting on God to renew your strength is exploring God’s depth).

Man of God is still son of man so go to His God if you expect something from him. His God will impress it on his heart and He dare not disobey because He loves you God too much.

Well, Children will always worry but Sons of God, they’re mature and learn to daily leave expectations and rise to the reality stage.

If you understand this, people will offend you less, pride will remain under your feet , not shoulders and you will call forth the invincible to existence.

Make the Holy Spirit your friend today.

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