The Adventure of Iyin

This is a story inspired by the Holy Spirit, fictional for parents and children alike. I ran as fast as I could but it appeared as though I wasn’t. The wind lifted my legs as I ran and increased my speed. I covered so much distance and by the time I stopped, I couldn’t seeContinue reading “The Adventure of Iyin”

The Struggles of an Average Christian

Any interpretation given outside the Holy Spirit, no matter how accurate will have a loophole. Therefore, never forget to invite Him into the study. It’s not you trying to study alone. It’s a class in the school of the Spirit with Jesus as the only certified teacher. Ask Him.

What we represent.

Hi there and welcome to today’s account of cherubims. Last week, we looked at the Genesis account of cherubims. Today, we move to Exodus. It’s not Numbers next, We’ll be moving to Ezekiel next week. Stay calm. So this series was birthed from “Why the C&S church was called by God”. We’ve not answered theContinue reading “What we represent.”