The Adventures of Iyin

Ministering Spirits We handed over to the Children. They prayed and brought men to Christ. But it still wasn’t over. The two teachers weren’t done with us. They stared at us horribly. It was here God showed a vision. In the vision, God showed me what the original plan was for the children. Children wouldContinue reading “The Adventures of Iyin”

The Struggles of an Average Christian

Any interpretation given outside the Holy Spirit, no matter how accurate will have a loophole. Therefore, never forget to invite Him into the study. It’s not you trying to study alone. It’s a class in the school of the Spirit with Jesus as the only certified teacher. Ask Him.

What we represent.

Hi there and welcome to today’s account of cherubims. Last week, we looked at the Genesis account of cherubims. Today, we move to Exodus. It’s not Numbers next, We’ll be moving to Ezekiel next week. Stay calm. So this series was birthed from “Why the C&S church was called by God”. We’ve not answered theContinue reading “What we represent.”

The Song of Songs 3

You know, most romantic novels made love seem so hard. There’s a bad guy in lust with a good girl, she’s kidnapped by him, falls in love with him, goes through nasty abusive stuff but ends up marrying him. They’ll live happily ever after but with some complications.
But this book, it’s about acceptance, commitment (not old-fashioned), love, friendship, joy(not one-time happiness), sex, courtship, marriage, God’s overwhelming love for us all and how creation was made for us to enjoy.

The Song of Songs 2

Oh! how I cringe when I see those ads pop up. I wonder,” Why has sex been made to appear so sinful? Why?” The bad part is that many Christian couples struggle maritally due to these systems we’ve been wired to believe. Well, we can only draw understanding from God. Earlier on, We had aContinue reading “The Song of Songs 2”