The Adventures of Iyin

Ministering Spirits We handed over to the Children. They prayed and brought men to Christ. But it still wasn’t over. The two teachers weren’t done with us. They stared at us horribly. It was here God showed a vision. In the vision, God showed me what the original plan was for the children. Children wouldContinue reading “The Adventures of Iyin”

The Struggles of an Average Christian (Expectations)

Dear reader, One thing God has been walking on in me is having high hopes, not faith oo, expectations. Over the years, I had come to love people and slowly expect certain character traits to show forth but often, I had been let down. It was almost as soon as I started to have theseContinue reading “The Struggles of an Average Christian (Expectations)”

Living on God’s own terms 5 and 6

I woke up crying. I didn’t want to leave but I needed to. God still wanted me to live, purpose wasn’t fulfilled yet. I wondered why Mr Bala who traveled a long time ago was here. One year sure, hadn’t elapsed. I thought I had been there for a year for a second but IContinue reading “Living on God’s own terms 5 and 6”

Living on God’s own terms 1

Hiding under the fact that I’m homely and loving and the perfect son to inherit all that my father has, I forgot I was actually a person. I began to seek after maintaining his legacy, fighting for all things right and trying my best to comfort my now widowed mother. I would pray but itContinue reading “Living on God’s own terms 1”