Cry Out

Slowly, man loses touch with His only lover, God. Walking, talking, praying with people, prophesying, preaching, teaching, singing, dancing, living but not for His Lover. It goes on for long but he doesn’t notice how he’s lost touch with His Lover. God in himself, weeps, wailing and waiting for His friend to finally come back.Continue reading “Cry Out”

Based on directions

Dear one, this week was powered by God. I still don’t understand how I’ve been immune to the issues in the country. It’s like there’s an edge. Like Goshen. I’m grateful still. It may or may not have been like this for all of us but God’s promise to us has always been that ourContinue reading “Based on directions”

The Struggles of an Average Christian (Expectations)

Dear reader, One thing God has been walking on in me is having high hopes, not faith oo, expectations. Over the years, I had come to love people and slowly expect certain character traits to show forth but often, I had been let down. It was almost as soon as I started to have theseContinue reading “The Struggles of an Average Christian (Expectations)”

God is cooking something

God’s words will always be cherished as they pour out per season. One day, I realised what the silent ages meant for the Israelites. Priests were still in the temple, prophets and prophetesses were still hearing God but God’s will and Kingdom didn’t come. God’s purpose didn’t come to reality for so long. God toldContinue reading “God is cooking something”