A Reminder to all.

Man ought to always, I repeat, always walk as a supernatural. We were made to live as God on earth, bring to earth what God had already done or is doing in Heaven. Thy will be done on earth [through me], As it is in heaven. This is what a version would probably read. WhatContinue reading “A Reminder to all.”

Living on God’s own terms 1

Hiding under the fact that I’m homely and loving and the perfect son to inherit all that my father has, I forgot I was actually a person. I began to seek after maintaining his legacy, fighting for all things right and trying my best to comfort my now widowed mother. I would pray but itContinue reading “Living on God’s own terms 1”

The Word of the Lord to your heart.

This generation is the generation that’ll see God. Creation is in agony and the sons of God are still battling with sin and self. But till we break free and solely depend on God, we’ll remain under the curse sin brought. It saddens me to see that many of us are still yet to openContinue reading “The Word of the Lord to your heart.”