The Adventures of Iyin

Ministering Spirits

We handed over to the Children. They prayed and brought men to Christ. But it still wasn’t over.

The two teachers weren’t done with us. They stared at us horribly.

It was here God showed a vision. In the vision, God showed me what the original plan was for the children.

Children would be exposed to sorcery and divination first. If that was stopped, the next thing would be lust, both of the eyes and of the flesh.

Fiyin and I sat under the tree, waiting for the boys to return with our foods. It was time to break the Wednesday joint fast. Everyone sat in groups and had their volunteers get the meals.

As always, the four of us always ended up together. It was as though we were the remnant from the groups and so we formed a group.

Tobi and Tayo returned in five minutes. We were about to pray when I heard a loud cry of pain. Tayo, Tobi and Fiyin looked at me. Apparently, the four of us heard the cry. It was continuous. The voice of a mother weeping for her children. We looked around and didn’t see anyone in our line of sight. The other groups didn’t hear anything. There were no buildings in sight. Who was crying so loudly?

Tobi switched saying “It’s Rachel. She’s weeping for her children”. Herod’s Spirit is in this village. He won’t let any Child live until he has Iyin. Rachel is weeping for her children.”

Did this mean we had to hide like Christ was hidden? What would befall the children? After all, God’s response to Rachel was to refrain from weeping. She was assured of her children’s return and prosperity.

This message brought worry to my heart but God comforted me through the meal prayers.

It was lights out at 10pm. The boys were in their hostel while Fiyin and I stayed at Captain Abiodun Hostel. I honestly couldn’t sleep.

Fiyin stayed by my side as we read through the Psalms. She shared that God was going to be visiting me tonight through ministers and that I shouldn’t be afraid or worried but to receive all with humility and love for God.

I kept on looking at the clock as I imagined what an encounter with an angel would be like. Was it going to be scary? How tall would he be? Would it be like those descriptions John gave? Ọlọrun Shanu mi.

11pm passed. 12 too. 1 too, 3 too. Se this minister will not come again. I had forgotten the tip Fiyin gave me. Do not be disturbed. Do not be worried.

It was at the minute I stopped thinking and stood up to ease myself I saw a great light. How did light stand alone in darkness? This being was literally light, no other features, just light. He said, I am not a minister. I am the source of the ministers. Jesus Christ.

I was quite far from this Light but I could hear His voice as though He was right by my side. Eiuu God, Have mercy was all I could mouth.

He drew me closer to His side without moving, Like a moth drawn to a flame. I’m definitely that moth. My legs were elevated to His feet. This means He wasn’t standing on the ground. But it looked as though we were on a ground. At an instant, I found us outside the hostel. He took me to a mountain top. There we sat as He opened my Bible and handed it over to me.

I wondered how and why the Bible was here. It was in my box, the last time I checked.

As though he heard every thought, He said, Study it. Read, Read, Read. He picked clay from the side of the mountain. He then said it was too dry to be an anointing. He asked me if I understood. I shook my head and all he did was smile.

He called out water from the rock we sat upon. Water gushed out and he mixed the clay with some water.

Next, he anointed my eyes with them.

He then rinsed my face with the water that gushed out. Now he said, ” Read. “.

I kid you not when I say that My eyes were opened. I could see beyond the written words on the sheet of Genesis 3. There were so many footnotes under each verse. I looked at Him and looked at the Bible. I wondered if it was still the same Bible. It was. Something was wrong right. It wasn’t the Bible, It was me. Jesus opened my eyes. He is the source of Ministering Spirits.

He then began to teach me about Adam’s love and fall. He took me to His own days on earth and opened my eyes to see all that He suffered just to get men reconciled back to God. The number of days he went without food just to get us back to the Garden of True Pleasure, Eden. It was here I realized that it really wasn’t by works but by grace. Years of pleading for restoration was what he underwent till He finally ascended and the intercession still hasn’t ended. All of these knowledge and many more was poured out on me but more importantly, my identity in Christ was proven.

Jesus reminded me that He knew me before I was born and that He had called me. He showed me some snippets of my life. He then took me to my first altar call and all the others I had attended to rededicate myself. What could a 10 year old broken child do in church?

He asked me if I understood what it really meant to heed the call. It was to literally drop dead and take up Jesus’ life and live as He is. I can’t even explain it well. But Colossians 3 does justice to it.

He asked me if I was ready to allow Him manifest through me and I agreed but I wondered if Fiyin, Tayo and Tobi could also see Him the way I could.

He told me that they were also receiving encounters at the time.

The last question He asked me before Kehinde tapped me was “Are you ready?”

By the time I saw my friends, they confirmed meeting Jesus that same night. How did three hours feel like three days?

I saw water by my bedside too but I saw three other things, my Bible, A pen and A journal.

Since that day, visitations from Christ was unending. The Holy Spirit would whisper in my ears that Jesus wanted a walk and I would jump at the offer. No day passed without a visitation.

Verse 4 became our song.

God has so many extensions of Himself and one of them is the Ministering Spirit(s). They’re not in extinction. They’re more active than you can imagine and one of God’s ways of speedily training His children. I pray that we’ll not just encounter them but we’ll also be able to discern their presence, stay calm and welcome them.

Note: whatever God starts, the devil tries to hijack. Ministering Spirits are not angels or demons but an extension of God’s presence.

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