The Song of Songs 4 (finalé).

It has been a very lovely exposition so far. Understanding God’s will doesn’t end in ministerial positions assigned to us or the “work” we do. His will manifests in every aspect, opportunity, deed and thought, no matter how distant we are from him. In the last two chapters, we’ll be taking the last dive intoContinue reading “The Song of Songs 4 (finalé).”

The Song of Songs 3

You know, most romantic novels made love seem so hard. There’s a bad guy in lust with a good girl, she’s kidnapped by him, falls in love with him, goes through nasty abusive stuff but ends up marrying him. They’ll live happily ever after but with some complications.
But this book, it’s about acceptance, commitment (not old-fashioned), love, friendship, joy(not one-time happiness), sex, courtship, marriage, God’s overwhelming love for us all and how creation was made for us to enjoy.